Friday, April 28, 2006

Copy Right Laws

Today is the day each year that I like to say, Happy Birthday Scott. Now not only do I have a twin to say happy birthday to, but also another bus driver shares my big day.

Unfortunately I can't sing the song on my computer because of silly copyright laws. Actually I am impressed with this person who penned a simple song and yet makes money everytime his song is used in a movie or show or on the radio. Luckily we don't have webcams going for cake time or we might have to pay to sing or write our own songs.

Thanks to Mom and Dad for the card and for my movie. I hope to be watching it at some point this weekend (the wide screen version of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Switching Sports

I'm not sure that many people who read this blog really care about this, but as the NHL enters the playoffs and my own team is swinging the golf clubs, the CFL is starting to get real interesting.

Sask made a big trade to land a new Quarterback and his favorite receiver from the old team. Then to follow up they traded their previous Quarterback to Montreal for what sounds like a good defensive back in Almondo Curry. I find these moves interesting and a step up in the CFL which has not done much in the last few years by way of trades. used to share about the CFL, but it sounds like his life has gotten busy (humph, what about priorities? New child, new job can wait when the CFL is starting up!). Anyone wishing to talk CFL here is your big chance. What do you see happening that looks interesting?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Techno Easter

Yesterday was our special Easter worship. We had good turn out from our regular attenders, and we had some visitors to make a nice small crowd. It was a relief to see a number of people there in the pews during the worship. That said we had about 17 kids in total. We had 33 adults. That makes 50 people. I think that 80-100 is the auditorium max without going into the overflow area at that back of the room. The families that were there still each had their own row to use.

On Friday and on Sunday we used powerpoint instead of the overhead machines. People liked it and I think that it is much better than the overhead machine. I think that we ought to move to this kind of technology sooner rather than later. I also think that we need to add some other technologies to what we do. My wife and I were even discussing the possibility of using a computer, of some kind, that will take what is said and turn it into type on the screen. Whenever I start discussing these things I want to go spend money right away, I hate researching and waiting, instead of buying and moving ahead.

We are also discussing a live feed church. That would be weird and I am interested. I doubt that it would be particularly good yet, but it would be an experience. I wonder what other kinds of technologies there are that will catch my attention next.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter is coming

Well I have avoided posting anything too quickly because I was enjoying the discussion we were having. I guess it was a little too serious for some people though, cause one person shared they had a nightmare about it (well maybe that wasn't the exact description).

This week (I think) is supposed to be the start for the reading program at the two schools with whom I am volunteering. I went to one today and nothing happened and no one who was there knew what was going on with the program. So I wait to hear about it. The second school I phoned and they told me that they thought it was going to be in May. Okay, not a good start.

Meanwhile the other thing on my plate is to prepare for Easter. I get to share a little just before Communion, one of three people sharing some thoughts on what Easter means to me. I am also hoping to have things ready so that I can prepare the power point and we will use a projector instead of the basic overhead machine.

If you can be in the area at Easter, come out to our church it should be fun - we are having a breakfast at 9:30 and worship at 11:00.

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