Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thunder Bay

I don't blog a lot right now. Maybe I will pick it up again. I am currently waiting to find out if I can get in to my Masters program in regular studies as opposed to the occassional status I currently have. If this happens then I will have better opportunity to pick and choose my classes over the next few years and it may allow me to finish sooner. This past year I took two classes (a 4 credit and a 1 credit course).

My job has taken me to Thunder Bay for a conference. I will then use some holiday time to stay in Thunder Bay for the weekend. I flew here on Bearskin Airlines. I hate flying, I really hate flying on small airplanes. You feel everything as you bounce around. I survived and I don't have to fly back.

Hopefully I will see Erica here before she flies off to Toronto for rest of the week.

I have an opportunity to take the training course to become an Irlens tester. This sounds like fun to me but the training costs $750 so I am trying to decide how much I am willing to commit to this while I am going to school and working for Child Care Resources. I'll have to decide soon.

We are hoping to fix up the motorcycles for this summer and do a few small trips on them. I just know I want to ride again soon. I miss it.

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