Friday, November 17, 2006

Neither here nor there

I keep finding myself in Thunder Bay. Erica was called in to do some wrap up work for her old job and it worked out that we could conveniently do that this weekend. But we won't be here for Sunday since Erica and I will be in Winnipeg for the big game. I am looking forward to the game even though my Riders lost badly last week.

It is interesting as we now have no TV signal. I've heard that we should be able to get at least CBC somehow, but so far we haven't figured any thing like that out. All we know is that we don't have satellite we don't have cable, and until we get rabbit ears we don't even have basic TV.

What we have been doing in the meantime is to watch movies. There are a bunch of movies that we missed that we have been renting. I have also rented the first season of the New Battlestar Galactica. It has some interesting twists on the old show and one of the actors from the old show has shown up as a different character. So far I like the show.

We are still working at getting set up there, but we probably won't be entirely set up until the new year. I have been unpacking stuff and putting things away, but we don't have places for everything yet so we will see what we can do. The most important thing is that everyone has beds, we have a place to eat, and I have a chair in the living room.

I am still hobbling around right now and I don't know when I'll be able to do things, like play hockey. I have a lead on church hockey (which can sometimes be a rather chippy game) but since I am not walking easily yet, I'm not so sure I should try to skate with others around me yet. I have been lifting some of the lighter things and moving them around the house, but after a 1/2 day of that I'm worn out. One day I walked my younger son to the bus and my older son to his school, and then had to wander all over the hospital for my check up to see how my leg was doing. Well I was done for the day after I got home at 1:00pm. Greg had to fill in again and pick up the boys. Next Friday I will see a specialist and perhaps have some kind of timelines to work with for getting better.

Hey Gimpy.

Sorry I missed you at Robin's. I think at that point I was eating pizza after Laser Tag.
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