Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My longest bus run ever

Yesterday I drove a school bus full of military people around for the big funeral. I was warned ahead of time that it would be a long day but I had no idea that it would be 9 hours. That did include some time sitting talking with the other drivers and watching for when they were finished both in the church and at the graveside. The last part of the job was being a shuttle between the Davinci Centre and the Armoury. I only did two runs before we were finished. Often during the shcool year my stomach is growling at 9:00 or just before so as soon as I arrive home, I have a snack. Yesterday around 4:30 I recognized I was hungry but I was not in a position to stop and get some food and I was not feeling off because of the lack of food either. I also only had one bottle of water with me and I finished that on the way to the grave side. After that I did not drink anything and didn't feel lacking in water either. The final thing, and the one that surprised the other drivers (they noticed it, not me) was that I did not have to go to the bathroom until after I got home. They want to give some kind of bladder award. I guess I was just in the zone that day, it happens on trips, where you can drive for hours without having to stop for anything.

Today after I took the boys to daycamp and got them settled in I went and played 9 holes of golf. I used my father-in-law's driver (he's in Zambia, he doesn't need it) and I actually managed to get some alright drives with it (one beautiful straight drive just past that mound on the second par 5 at chaples front 9). I also hit one draw with driver. My final score was 46 I had three pars in a row, and I did a lot of one-putts. The very first hole I just about put the ball in on the chip. Chris doesn't believe these scores because whenever I play with him I score around 53,54. Hopefully on Wednesday evening I can show him one of those scores.

Bill and Wendy are off in Africa, Erica is in Guelph, and the boys have day camp, Greg goes over to his brother's a lot (trying to get his computer working) so Erin has the house to herself a fair bit these days. At times it can seem quiet. The toughest part is at night, with the quiet I am ready to go to bed long before the boys are, and I have to wait to give them enough time to play and enjoy the evening.

I will be home soon!

Perhaps we should take the boys to "Pirates" on Saturday?
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