Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Ride Along

This post keeps disappearing into cyber-space and each time I write it, it gets shorter.

A ride along is where the I ride with the trainer and she drives her route. It was fun especially because I knew some of the kids, including a little girl that I coached in soccer. She remembered me to and made a point of saying so as she left the bus for school. She also remembers the motorcycle I would ride to take my youngest son and I to the games.

I also did my regular training where i drive the bus and the trainer directs me and also grades how much I remember of the things I am supposed to do. Since this bus was a new bus (new style) there was a little more leeway about reminding me of things. The new bus was fun to drive but I doubt that I will ever get one once I get my licence. Tomorrow it is back to the same old bus, but at least I get to sleep in.
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