Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Feeling Down

Some of you may have noticed that this last weekend was not one of my better times. I know that I was particularly down this weekend. I recognized the desire to not do anything, at all, nothing, zip, nada...

One of my friends noted that it was existing even during hockey, which started okay, but I got quickly frustrated with and angry at some of the other players. Most of the weekend anger was not the emotion of choice. Mostly I felt like crying and just wanted to vegitate in front of the tv in my room. I didn't, I went with my wife and boys to the parade and it was okay, but I was somewhat distant.

As Satuday went on I knew it was getting worse again, and I was thinking of possible reasons why I would not have to be at church in the morning. In the evening and morning I finished my preparation for church and found out (I knew this might happen and was prepared for it) that I would be teaching the teen/pre-teen class (the boys as the class is sometimes called). I did not communicate very well, I had trouble explaining my points and I did not have much patience with their antics. It was a difficult class for me. So I will be teaching them this week again just so that I can finish the material that we started.

This week is going better than the weekend, but I would not say that I am well yet. I am trying and I am doing what I have to do.

I started a new bus route this morning and I ended up behind schedule because we had to get a light a fixed on the bus. Well that makes the morning less fun. I have a person riding with me on the bus, giving directions and he seems a little more negative than my trainer. It could just be the kids, he did not seem to like the first group of kids on this run. It's not his old route, I think that he is a spare driver who is helping me learn the route. At least I'll be done earlier tonight.

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