Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bus Driver

I am off today to start training for a part time job. This job will hopefully be fun and helpful for my main job. I am training today to drive a school bus. I suspect that for this year I will be a relief driver as I am starting part way into the school year, but maybe next year I could have a regular route to drive. The stuff that I will be doing today is going to be classroom type training. I'm not sure what there is to learn about driving while sitting in a room watching videos and hearing someone talk but I guess I'll find out. There is supposed to be 40 hours of training with 20 of that spent in classroom and 20 spent driviing. I am looking forward to the driving and getting to do things I have been learning already, but I am not anxious to be sitting in a warm building for too long. Warm building can make me sleepy and then I have trouble staying awake.

I'm still waiting to hear what the pay will be and what the expectations of the job are. I thought that they had started having a person ride along with the driver to help with the kids, but I discovered that they don't. So I guess I just have to become Otto so that the kids will just enjoy the bus and not have any troubles.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round ..."

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