Monday, June 06, 2005

Church Blog

As I sat down at the worship ministry team meeting and looked around me I thought, "Hey this is a blogger's meeting!" I didn't get distracted with all the other ideas until after the meeting, since the meeting was filled with its own ideas.

First I realized we were missing T. Not Mr. T but just T. T doesn't wear quite as much gold, but sometimes they talk the same.

Also I began to wonder how a church blog would work, if it would fly. It would have some the group who could all blog on it. We are kind of doing this on each other's blogs already, carrying on conversations as a group (some people are even getting 10-12 responses on their daily blogs).

What would we discuss? Would such an idea be any different than each of us just using our current blogs? Would the blog show up on the dash board of everyone who can blog on it? Is anyone interested? I'm still not sure if I am yet, but I'm thinking.

Sounds good to me Rick. Hey have you visited the forums off our church website? They are not quite going yet, but they could be.
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