Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Title Unknown

I have read some blogs today, I've surfed some sites. I've been cleaning my office, rearranging my books and trying to get some back on the shelf after a collapse. I was hoping to have that done today, but there are some books not on a shelf, and the broken shelf is still worrysome. My wife has suggested that after 7 years I can probably get a new bookshelf (two of the shelves, including the broken one, are shelves I brought with me that were mine all the way back in high school, so those shelves are closer to 20 years old).

I feel a little blah today. Maybe because yesterday ended up being a little disappointing. It is not my wife's fault but she was called into work for an emergancy and that left things hanging for me. Really since then I have been a little down. I could probably make a decision to do things to make myself feel better but I have not. It easier to advise people that to act on things yourself.

I have set myself a deadline for work that is probably going to be pushing things, and I wonder if that is why I haven't already set up the meeting. It is not flowing together quickly as somethings in my life do, so this vision statement adjusting/wording/tinkering team has not met yet. Our objective is to be done before summer. I think I ought to get everyone together for a meeting where we are not expecting something magical to happen, just a meeting to look at and discuss the vision as we know it and get used to each other. In a second meeting we can think of acheiving our goal of writing a statement to reflect this vision. We will see.

I need a shower. I just ran around with a bunch of soccer kids. Everytime I come home after I just feel itchy and covered in pollen. I either want to scratch till it bleeds or have a shower and see how that feels. I better shower.

Maybe your "blah" from Tuesday has translated into my "blah" of today... Anyway, I hope you have a better day today.
I echo the blah, I think we are all tired and in need of a vacation and lots of money to spend on frivolus things...I hope you get a new shelf soon....
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