Friday, April 15, 2005

Leadership Retreat

Tomorrow our church is having its leadership retreat. We have done this for a few years now, the first few consisting of 6 people (then 5 as one person could no longer participate for health reasons). Last year we created a leadership team (since there was one elder here and the other overseas) and that is the group that took part in the retreat. So now this year instead of it being a small group, there are 9 of us at this retreat. Every Sunday I do up 25 programs and give out most, but not all. We have about half of the people that are out on Sundays at this retreat. Interesting.

There are some more general things going on in the morning, discussions of each person's perspective of what is happening in the church, a discussion of issues that are current for us and in the afternoon I get to lead the team through a process of working toward our vision. I am feeling better about this than yesterday, but that is because I basically have on paper what I will be doing. I have 5 pages of type but most of it is reveiw from our town hall meetings, and vision team meetings. Not everyone at this meeting was at those and so there is some need for reveiew. Unfortunately it does not take up a propotial amount of space on the paper as it does time.

With one of my big tasks done, the stress should be less, but I don't feel more cheerful or less cheerful than yesterday. I don't think that I am actually depressed right now, but I am definitely a little low. I seem to be getting some of my tasks done despite this mood difficulty so I will keep muddling through for now. Pray for me, and also for the meeting this weekend.

So how was the retreat? Did it live up to its name or was it really a rally maybe even an advance?

I remember grandfather saying that "too many people are spending too much time trying to find themselves" and in my head that garnered the image of a dog chasing its tail...

Maybe this can be true of a group too? Maybe it really is as simple as the single axiom "What would Jesus do here, now?" We worry about programs, direction, hey we even vote on which colour to paint the walls!

Maybe we worry about the chaff instead of the kernal or like the sculptor "I just cut away the parts that don't look like a ..." of he worried about what was hidden in the wood he would never be able to remove any of it. We don't need to worry about what is wrong or missing just keep looking at the model and try to find it in each other.

But then I am old and simple and certainly no avatar of my faith still something to think about which I guess is more chasing your own tail ...
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