Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Who is living on the outskirts?

I read a blog by Mike Cope today and in it he said kind things about the kind of work and dedication it must be to be a single parent. That made me start thinking, who are the people living on the outskirts, who are the people not included in mainstream society, even in the churches? We see people with addiction problems like the alcoholic (the more severe cases), there are the single moms (usually) struggling to survive, the mentally handicapped, and physically handicapped. I am sure that there are many other groups I have not listed or don't have the words to express their situation, yet these are the outskirts, the people in need with no one to turn to.

I have been dwelling on this concept of outskirts in my own thinking (sharing it with a few people), and my wife added a word that helps us recognize ministry and give it meaning - sacrifice. To do ministry on the outskirts, to reach these people with the love of Jesus it going to call for us to serve, and sacrifice to people who need, and will use without getting payback. They may not say "thank you", they may not even be greatful, but our call is to give.

This is still a work in progress, but I guess so am I.

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