Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Second Sense

I know it isn't sixth sense, because these are not dead people I am seeing, but rather live people. I am guessing second sense, sight.

I could handle days like this. I drop off my wife and visit a person at their work, for half an hour. I rush over to another place and visit for a while before rushing back to my office to visit for a while. A day of visiting is a great way to spend a day. I suppose that if I did that everyday I would not get some of the more administrative tasks done, nor any of the details done. I would probably also suffer from coffee overload. I do like coffee.

I would like to direct people to a website that shows what the church in Dauphin is doing and planning. But there is no Parkland Crossing website. They have some great plans that they could never achieve on their own, but have been doing by the grace of God. It sounds great and like they have some vision for their ministry. It would be good to hear more and to learn more from what they are doing.

I can't talk about my other conversations, but they too were very productive and encouraging. I think I enjoy meeting with people and talking about life or ideas (especially ideas). Glimpses into people's lives and into who they are is enjoyable. I guess at some point I need to go get things done (like the dishes). More administratives stuff!

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