Friday, January 14, 2005

Pre mid or post

No I am not going to start talking about escatology, or I would have had to include panmillenialism. Rather I have been doing some reading on post modernity and yesterday attended a satellite conference on Developing Leadership in a Post Modern Culture. Information on this can be seen at ccn something or other, I'll have to look it up when I have my notes back again (they are hiding in my Bible which I left at a friend's house last night). It was extremely intersting.

One presenter, Rex Miller, change the terminology and did not talk about post modern much, instead he seemed to be suggesting that it would be better understood as "broadcast". This website has a comparison of his categories of the different world views, Jordan Cooper is a S'toon guy who is even referred to at Leonard Sweet's website. Some friends of mine (my former dentist) attend the church that Jordan works at in S'toon.

Rex Miller does not call our society post modern, instead he uses the term Inclusive/Interactive. At the conference he used a "d" word like dynamic or something but I am not remembering it now (instead of Inclusive). I like this idea for a couple of reasons. First it gets away from the reactionary nature of the term Post Modern, it gets away from comparisons and competition with the previous world view. Secondly it sounds more like a definite direction that can be seen as opposed to a worse than blurry image of the future.

I am interacting with different writers on this topic including right now I book I borrowed from a friend that is written by Brian McLaren. A guru of post modernity. It is interesting but I wonder how far the world view has moved from where it was at when he write the books to where it is now. This is where my mind is going, I would love to interact more on this idea, other's impressions of post modernity or Inclusive/Interaction and our churches, our movements, and even our culture.

Very good on the inclusive/Interactive. One reason for the book is to 1) look at the deeper systemic or structural causes for our cultural shift; 2) take away the polarizing language so we can build better bridges; 3) develop a new design for a new culture

rex miller
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