Friday, December 03, 2004

Early Morning Meetings

This morning my oldest son had a meeting with three professionals and two others in another room observing. Meanwhile I sat in another room with my younger son while he played. I could have observed, but not my younger son so I stayed with him in a different room.

At the end there was the promise of a meeting where we get to hear about their observations and an opportunity to hear their conclusions. I wonder where they are going, what they want to happen from this, but I am also afraid of what they might say. Not a continuous shaking kind of fear, but rather a nagging voice in the back of my head wondering if there might be something big that we never saw coming.

I found out that he had some sort of speech evaluation done last year, but I don't know anything about it. All I know is that I received a package for this summer (which I did nothing about). One of the people at the meeting this time was also a speech therapist (or something like that) and I hope to hear more about that soon. I guess I am just a little anxious about this whole thing and how it will turn out. I wonder about all the condemning things that parents think about, all thr things I did wrong, all the things that I should have and should be doing differently. I guess I'll just have to wait.

Hey Eric,
I just wanted to say that if you guys ever want to call or email me with any speech questions you are welcome to - sometimes speech reports are full of technical language that could be easily explained into something that makes more sense, and I'd be happy to help. :) After all, when Erica used to do my taxes we always joked that I'd give her free speech therapy if she ever needed it.
I hope that whatever this is with H, it is easily solved with some extra support and that all is OK. I'm glad he is getting some testing and hope it results in some help for him and you guys find some answers that set your minds at ease.
Thinking about you guys....bonnie
It is never about what you did wrong ... that is called a trial not a consultation. Take it as a chance for experts in child development to give you something most parent's don't get.
The observations and evaluations are an ongoing thing here ... A is doing so well that they all want to evaluate him again this fall / winter but no one is saying that they don't know why they are seeing us.
I just wonder, as you do what I could do or should have done differently.
Maybe it's genetics or maybe it's our temperment that we allow others to "interfere" in our lives. It is not a common trait. Many say "mind your own business he's fine" and "don't you dare label my kid!"
I just can't deal with the thought that I could be closing a door to something that could help - him.
Whether or not A is normal if he is being helped by what people are doing I will continue to work with them. I will not go along with anything that feels hurtful - that's the hard part as a parent I am only too aware of the other side and professionals are people too. People aren't perfect.
Faith, hope, trust, and most importantly LOVE your son everything else is chaff.
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