Thursday, November 04, 2004

These Dreams

I couldn't sleep last night. At least I think I couldn't sleep. I think I spent most of the night hovering half-way between sleep and awake. I felt like I was lying in bed for hours and aware of it most of the time. This is a weird, dark memory. I don't think my eyes were open, I don't think my mind was totally awake, but I know I was not asleep.

There are nights when you can't sleep because you mind won't shut down, you have things to do and pplaces to be, but you can't get there till the morning. That is different from my sleeplessness. There are nights when either because of adrenalin or caffine you just can't settle down, but again that was different.

Last night was floating in a semi-conscious state, half asleep, and half awake. The problem is that you know you are awake. If you are willing to lay still and rest you can get some rest, if you start to move, you lose that rest. You start philosophizing about how this relates to life, I'm a bit tired right now, I'll catch up later.

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