Friday, October 08, 2004
I am just about a full week into my withdrawl. I am hoping to be able to compensate for what I am missing with watching some tv this weekend. I don't actually get to play football until the 17th. I really like playing football. I especially like it now that I get to use more of my abilities and not have to play QB where I am okay but not a game breaker. I like that the QB we have trusts me and throws me the ball. I am not sure how I am going to hold out until next weekend. It would be okay if I could go throw the ball around with my wife or with others, but I can't actually throw still. Without throwing (except a few each week in warm-ups) my shoulder still hurts like crazy all week.
Last year during the indoor season, I was contemplating how much I really wanted to play football. At that point hockey was more fun, and less painful. Now that my team actually winss once in a while and I get to catch instead of shouldering the whole blame for not being able to throw the ball it is fun. I think I 'll try and throw the ball with my son, maybe after school, if I can convince him.
Last year during the indoor season, I was contemplating how much I really wanted to play football. At that point hockey was more fun, and less painful. Now that my team actually winss once in a while and I get to catch instead of shouldering the whole blame for not being able to throw the ball it is fun. I think I 'll try and throw the ball with my son, maybe after school, if I can convince him.