Friday, October 01, 2004


I've made plans for the end of the month. Now I have to wait. Not everything is set up, but most of it is. I have noticed a trend and maybe this is why I hate waiting, I make plans, I prepare and then I have to wait. While I am waiting I can work on something else, but my excitement about the previous idea seems to die down. That's no good. I need to figure out how to hold onto the excitement, the plan while still moving on to the next task.

Right now I am excited about my conference at the end of the month, but it is so far away. Meanwhile there are other plans before that time that I need to get in order. Plans for Church, plans for my wife and I. Plans for the boys. Plans for my sports teams. Plans are everywhere, and if someone is not doing it, things do not happen. I think I'll head back to bed!

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