Thursday, September 11, 2014


"My moment of rebellion over, I know better and remember Peter's words: 'My goal is only that each day I should become closer to the God I understand.' The God I understand? Not the willful old man in the sky I've resented all my life. Truth. Essence. The inner voice I keep running away from. That's the God I've been resisting. If, Jonah-like, I'd rather hide in the stinking belly of a whale than face the truth I know so well, it's not because of intelligence but because of the refusal to surrender. To surrender, you have to give something up. I've been unwilling to do they. And YHWH said to Moshe: I see this people - and here, it is a stiff-necked people."

Gabor Mate - In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Laundry Day Blues

Well, it is laundry day again. I have just one persons laundry (mine of course) so it is not as long. The one struggle is that I don't do laundry at home so I have to leave everything else to do it. Second struggle is that I have to load everything into the motorcycle to go to the laundrymat. Everything has to be securely wrapped. One time because of a light rain I had to wrap the basket in a garbage bag. The biggest struggle is that laundry is a reminder that it is just me here. Typing this out I feel the emotions I've been hiding. 

I'll suppress for a little while longer as I try to find ways to emotionally support my wife across the distance.

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